New Delhi: Senior AAP leader Sanjay Singh on Wednesday lashed out at the BJP, accusing the saffron party of 'shielding' one of the accused in the sensational Sultanpuri car dragging case. He also demanded to know why the accused, Manoj Mittal, was not yet removed from the party. In a shocking incident, a 20-year-old woman was killed in the early hours of the New Year after her scooter was hit by the car which dragged her for 12 kilometres. Her body was found in outer Delhi's Kanjhawala. Five men, who were allegedly in the car, have been booked for culpable homicide, among other sections. All five accused were sent to three-day police custody on Monday. Singh also claimed that he had sought time to meet Union Home Minister Amit Shah via letter, email and phone call to discuss the incident, but have not got an appointment yet. "A horrendous crime happened in Delhi and the way the BJP is extending its support to the perpetrators is shameful. I have been calling Amit Shah since Tuesday, seeking time to discuss the incident. I have sent a letter, emailed him and even made phone calls to his office. I was told that I would get an appointment on Wednesday, but nobody from his office responded further," he said.


Blaming the Delhi Police for negligence, the senior AAP leader alleged that the police failed to maintain law and order in the city despite issuing notices about extra security measures taken by them for New Year.

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"The Delhi police had made tall claims about the New Year security arrangement. So, why has this incident happened despite their extra measures? If Amit Shah cannot manage law and order in Delhi, he should give up that responsibility and let (Delhi chief minister) Arvind Kejriwal look after the city's safety and security," he said.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has maintained that strictest punishment need to be given to the accused and the case should be tried in a fast track court. It had said that Mittal had recently joined the party during the Delhi MCD polls, but had not taken membership of the party.

"BJP leader Manoj Mittal along with his friends are responsible for such a crime. They are acting like Talibans in Hindustan. Not a single BJP leader condemned the incident and neither has any action taken against Mittal. Why isn't there any investigation against Manoj Mittal" Sanjay Singh asked.

Earlier, the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Delhi also demanded the removal of Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena over alleged lapses in the Kanjhawala incident.

A delegation of AAP MLAs had also met Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora on Tuesday and demanded strictest punishment for those involved in the crime. It also sought the dismissal of the district deputy commissioner of police for allegedly shielding the accused.
Meanwhile, the AAP on Wednesday staged a candle light march in Central Delhi, seeking justice for the victim Anjali Singh. Several AAP leaders and workers gathered at Jantar Mantar holding candles and banners that said 'Dilli Ki Beti Ko Insaaf Do' (justice for Delhi's daughter).

Senior AAP leader Gopal Rai also participated in the march and said that the central government and the L-G should take strictest action against the culprits.

"Instead of shielding the culprits, strictest action should be taken against them by the Union government and L-G V K Saxena," he said.