While the official results are yet to be declared, the BJP has all but bagged three out of three states in Hindi Heartland - Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan - while Congress managed to win Telangana. Reacting to the party's stupendous performance, PM Narendra Modi expressed his gratitude to "janta janardhan" and said people have voted for "good governance and development".


The Prime Minister's official handle posted in X (formerly Twitter), saying "We bow to the Janta Janardan. The results in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan indicate that the people of India are firmly with politics of good governance and development, which the
@BJP4India stands for. I thank the people of these states for their unwavering support and assure them that we will keep working tirelessly for their well-being. A special thanks to the hardworking Party Karyakartas. Each of them is exemplary! They have worked tirelessly and highlighted our development agenda among the people." (sic)


He also had a message for Telangana voters. The PM posted on X, "My dear sisters and brothers of Telangana, Thank you for your support to the @BJP4India. Over the last few years, this support has only been increasing and this trend will continue in the times to come. Our bond with Telangana is unbreakable and we will keep working for the people. I also appreciate the industrious efforts of each and every BJP Karyakarta." (sic)


Meanwhile, addressing a press conference in Jaipur, BJP candidate and two-time Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje said, "This victory is of the mantra 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayaas' given by PM Modi. It is the victory of the guarantee given by the Prime Minister. It is also the victory of the strategy given by Amit Shah and the able leadership provided by Nadda ji. Most importantly, it's a victory for our party workers." She added, "People have rejected the misgovernance of Congress and have elected the good governance of BJP." 

Also Read: Vasundhara Raje To Mahant Balaknath - A Look At BJP's Chief Minister Probables In Rajasthan