Raichur: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday accused the BJP and RSS of spreading hatred and violence everywhere in the country, as he also targeted the saffron party governments at both the Centre and state on a host of issues. The former AICC president was addressing the gathering at Yeragera here at the end of the 44th day of the Bharat Jodo Yatra, which began in the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh this morning. "If we see this country and the region today, BJP and RSS have spread hatred and violence everywhere. This country is not the country of hatred and violence and they won't benefit this country in any way," Gandhi said.


Thanking the people for giving strength and support for the Bharat Jodo Yatra led by him, he said, "You have given power for unifying India, stood against hatred and violence. You have protected the Indian flag and taken it up much higher, from the people who are attacking it by spreading hatred and violence in the country." The Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Gandhi on Friday re-entered Karnataka here, after three days in neighbouring Andhra Pradesh. The yatra that entered the state near Gillesuguru at the Raichur border, will march through the rural and urban segments of the district, before entering neighbouring Telangana on the morning of October 23.

Also Read: Congress committed to grant special status to Andhra Pradesh: Rahul Gandhi

Noting that walking a total distance of about 3,500 km is not easy, Gandhi said that the support, strength and love of people made it a bit easy for him. "It is you, who is pushing me ahead." He said the yatra is being taken out for three reasons -- to unite the country and eradicate hatred, to tell BJP and Narendra Modi-led government that they should fulfil their promise of creating two crore jobs for youth every year, and against price rise. Pointing out that during the 7-8 hours long walk every day as part of this yatra, he and his party leaders listen to farmers, labourers, youth and women, Gandhi said they share their concerns and difficulties.

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