NEW DELHI: A Border Security force (BSF) jawan on Sunday allegedly shot himself after killing his wife in Chennai's Trichy. Identified as Ranjit, the jawan was a native of Bihar Sharif town.


According to the wife's mother, the jawan killed her daughter because of dowry. On the other hand, the man's family refused to speak about the possible reasons behind the incident.

The wife Rajni Kumari got married to Ranjit in 2005. A couple of months into the marriage, Rajni got a job. She joined the Railways as a section controller. Many a time, Ranjit used to pressurise her for money which she gave.

Once the jawan had asked for nearly Rs 3.5 lakh as loan from his wife. Even after seven months when her husband did not return the money, she asked for it. This had led to a dispute between the couple.

On Saturday evening, Ranjeet went to the market and returned late. He tried to kill Rajni by giving her poison in the cold drink, however, he failed. He then shot her by his service revolver and later committed suicide. 

He was admitted to the Police Sadar Hospital in a critical condition where he died late in the night.

Their eight-year-old daughter was at her maternal grandmother's place while the incident took place.