Saharanpur: The Uttar Pradesh police tightened the noose around former Bahujan Samaj Party MLC Haji Iqbal, whose properties worth Rs 21 crore were seized in Saharanpur on Sunday. The properties attached are in the name of Naseem, the servant of Haji Iqbal, said an ANI report.


Akash Tomar, SSP of Saharanpur told ANI, "There is a gang of Haji Iqbal in which there are many active members. The action was taken against them on April 9. We have seized properties worth Rs 21 crore under 14(1) Gangsters act that were in the name of a servant of Haji Iqbal Naseem."

"There are many shell companies through which he did the money laundering and was booked under the Gangster Act. Action would continue against such criminals in the future as well," ANI further quoted the SSP as saying. 

Tomar further said that the police have identified some Benami properties and are in the process of identifying more such properties, adding "We will be in touch with the Central agencies like ED and ensure action against such properties of Haji Iqbal. This is the biggest seizure under the Gangster Act this year. We will identify more properties. We have identified some benami properties."

Notably, a joint team of police and revenue department had attached alleged illegal property worth Rs 21 crore registered in the name of former MLC Haji Iqbal's aide. 

Haji Iqbal was BSP MLC from 2010 to 2016

Haji Iqbal, who headed the gang, was reportedly indulged in smuggling wood, illegal mining, threatening people and using fraudulent means to purchase government and non-government land, and registering them in the names of his aides, family members, relatives and even servants.

The former MLC had also amassed money from criminal activities and purchased a number of properties in Behat area of Saharanpur, the police said.

In another case, property worth Rs 4 crore in Barabanki district, belonging to drug smuggler Mohammad Saheem alias Kasim, too, was attached on Sunday, Additional Superintendent of Police, Barabanki, Manoj Kumar Pandey told PTI.

The police officer further said that Mohammad Saheem used to supply smack, also called black tar heroin, to some states.

(With Agency Inputs)