New Delhi: The world is fighting against the deadly COVID-19 and doctors along with other health care workers are trying their best to treat the patients and contain the spread of the virus. Amid the raging second wave of coronavirus in the country, the best way to decrease the chances of contracting the virus is to get yourself vaccinated.


The Government of India has announced to vaccinate everyone above the age of 18 from May 1 and the registration for the same will begin on April 28.

Here is the stepwise guide to register yourself for COVID-19 vaccination:

Step 1: Go to the co-Win portal through the website

Step 2: Enter your mobile number and you will get an OTP to verify the mobile number. 

Step 3: After entering the OTP, a page will open where you will have to fill in details like your name, age, gender, and area of residence.

Step 4: For identity proof, a photo ID will be required, which can be your Aadhar card, driving license, passport, etc.

Step 5: After registering your address and entering the pin code, you will be shown hospitals in your area from which you can choose as per your convenience. You are also given the choice to get vaccinated at private hospitals along with government facilities.