Chandigarh: A junior athletics coach, on Friday, lodged a police complaint against Haryana Sports Minister Sandeep Singh, alleging that he had sexually harassed her. The coach had made the accusation at a press conference held at the opposition Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) office on Thursday, but Singh had denied the allegations and called for an independent probe. The coach also requested security and sought an appointment with the Haryana chief minister. In her police complaint, she included most of the allegations made at the press conference and called for legal action to be taken against the minister.

'Message me on Instagram'


According to the coach, Singh first saw her at a gym and then contacted her on Instagram, repeatedly insisting that they meet. "He messaged me on Instagram and said my national games certificate is pending and wanted to meet in this regard," she said. She claimed that she agreed to meet him at his residence-cum-camp office with some other documents, but alleged that he engaged in sexual misconduct during the meeting. Singh has denied the allegations and called for an independent investigation.

Former CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda calls for an impartial inquiry

In response to the accusations, former chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda called for an impartial inquiry into the matter. The INLD has demanded that the Manohar Lal Khattar government immediately dismiss Singh and set up a Special Investigation Team to investigate the matter.

The allegations of sexual harassment against Singh have generated widespread attention and outrage in India. The coach has stated that she is hopeful that she will receive justice through the investigation and that the police will get to the bottom of the matter. She has emphasized that she is a daughter of Haryana and India and hopes that the government will listen to her story. It remains to be seen how the authorities will respond to the allegations and whether they will take any action against Singh.