New Delhi: The Central government on Sunday (September 5, 2021) informed that India has administered more doses of COVID-19 vaccines than all G7 countries put together in the month of August. The Centre shared the data in form of infographics on Twitter which revealed that the G7 nations administered only 101 million doses, while more than 180 million vaccine doses were administered in the country last month


“Yet another achievement! With more than 180 million vaccine doses administered in the month of August, India leaves a mark on the global map of leading its way in vaccinating its population on priority,” said the official MyGovIndia in a tweet.

In the infographics, the government has mentioned all the G7 nations and their vaccination tally for the month of August, including Canada which administered 3 million doses, United Kingdom with 5 million doses, Italy with 8 million doses, Germany at 9 million doses and Japan with 40 million doses. The US and France have administered 23 million and 13 million doses, respectively.

Meanwhile, in total India has administered a total of 68.46 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses, including nearly 7.2 million in the last 24 hours, so far, according to the Union ministry of health and family welfare (MoHW). It is to be noted that India’s nationwide inoculation drive began on January 16. 

As per the health ministry data, almost 160 million beneficiaries have been fully vaccinated (received both doses), while 523 million people have taken their first shot.

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