Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal delivered a glowing endorsement of actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan and his newly launched political party, the Makkal Needhi Maiam. Speaking at the launch of the party in Madurai, Kejriwal said the people of Tamil Nadu now have an alternative to the Dravidian giants - the DMK and the AIADMK.


"The best thing I admire in Kamal Haasan ji is his courage... his courage to speak up and fight the forces of injustice and communalism in this country," said Kejriwal. 

"Till today the people of Tamil Nadu were stuck between two parties. There were only two parties - DMK and ADMK. Both of them are corrupt parties. Today I want to congratulate the people of Tamil Nadu because they have an honest political alternative. Next time you go out to vote you don't have to vote for a corrupt party. You can vote for an honest party. You can vote for Kamal Haasan," he added.

He also said lines that he has made an advertisement campaign out of to mark the three years of his party's government in Delhi. "We are in power in Delhi for the last three years. And it is an honest government in Delhi. And my experience shows that everything is possible if you have an honest government. There is no dearth of money in the government. There is only a dearth of honest intentions," said Kejriwal.

He practically made the launch function an electoral campaign. "I can see the people of Tamil Nadu are ready to throw out the DMK and the ADMK and bring Mr Kamal Haasan to power. Friends, if you want corruption, go vote for the DMK and ADMK. If you want schools... roads, water, electricity, go vote for Kamal Haasan," he said.

AAP leader Somnath Bharti, a former member of Kejriwal's cabinet, was also present at the launch of the party.

Kejriwal had met Kamal Haasan earlier while on a visit to Chennai. That meeting had sparked speculation that Kamal's new political outfit could be closely aligned with the AAP. Kamal however, has met a number of opposition Chief Ministers, like Kerala's Pinarayi Vijayan and West Bengal's Mamata Banerjee.