New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi Minister Atishi on Thursday lashed out at the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) over the arrest of AAP's Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case. She said that the BJP was resorting to political vendetta and harassment against AAP leaders who exposed their corruption. She challenged the BJP to show if they found any evidence of corruption or quit politics. "The ED searched every corner of Sanjay Singh's house for 8 hours yesterday but could not find any money. I want to challenge the BJP to show the public if they found even one rupee of corruption from Sanjay Singh's house or else quit politics." Atishi said at a press conference.


Sanjay Singh is the second high-profile arrest in the case after former Delhi deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia, who was also detained by the ED earlier. The ED raided the residence of AAP leader Sanjay Singh on Wednesday morning in relation to the cancelled liquor excise policy in the national capital. The ED also searched the premises of two close aides of Sanjay Singh in the same case.

"In Delhi, senior journalists were raided, the day before yesterday, TMC leaders who went to meet the Agriculture Minister were dragged out, yesterday Sanjay Singh's loud voice was also arrested, in 15 months they have not found one rupee of evidence. Did the ED find anything? Sanjay Singh was arrested only because he exposed the BJP's corruption in Parliament, he was first suspended from the Rajya Sabha," Atishi said.

Terming it as a fight to save the consitution, Atishi said, "Sanjay Singh is not afraid of these threats, that is why he goes to different corners of the country and exposes the corruption. How Modi ji is making his special friends rich. Because the BJP could not scare and threaten Sanjay Singh, they arrested him. The AAP party is not afraid of your jail threats. You have put Manish and Satyendra Jain in jail. Every worker has their last breath, we will fight to save the country's constitution. We are not afraid, we will fight to save the constitution."

The case relates to allegations that Singh and his associates were involved in the Delhi government's decision to grant licenses to liquor shops and vendors in 2020, resulting in financial losses to the state and a violation of anti-corruption laws.

So far, they have raided Sanjay Singh's house. I want to tell the ED to also go to his ancestral house, his bank locker, but they will not find a single penny of corruption. The BJP does not care about anything today, they only want to put their opponents in jail. Whoever raises their voice against the BJP will be arrested and silenced.