The ED has filed a charge sheet 58 days after the arrest of former education minister Partha Chatarjee in the Bengal SSC recruitment scam. The chargesheet was presented in the Bankshall Court, Kolkata on Monday. Some shocking revelations have been made in it. It mentions about 31 LIC policies of Arpita Mukharjee, who is an 'Intimate Friend' of Partha Chatterjee. According to sources, it has been alleged that Partha Chatterjee was paying Rs 1.5 crore per year for the premium of these policies. Most of these 31 policies have a premium of 50 thousand while some policies have a premium of 45 thousand rupees. This information came to light after the forensic examination of Partha Chatterjee's mobile phone.

31 LIC Policies


According to sources, information about the premium on the policy has also been obtained from the documents in the bank. Partha Chatterjee was depositing money in the bank for Arpita Mukherjee's 31 premium. Based on this information, the ED claimed in court that a total of Rs. 1.5 crore was deposited in the bank. ED said that the Central Intelligence Agency gave this information. Firstly, the mobile phone of Partha Chatterjee was seized. The deleted data was collected from it. There was an SMS on the former minister's mobile stating that the amount of the LIC policy had been deposited. After seeing this, the officials of the central agency contacted the banks. Information about insurance came from it.

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Premium Paid by Partha Chatterjee

After investigation, it was found that the premium amount for all these policies had been paid by Partha Chatterjee. Interestingly, the premium for this LIC policy has been paid since 2015. That is, this transaction has been done for the last seven years.

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Chargesheet Against Partha

Partha Chatterjee is accused of a SSC recruitment scam in West Bengal. ED filed a 172-page charge sheet in this case. The ED officials carried these documents in a trunk. According to ED sources, assets worth around Rs 103 crore have been seized in this corruption. Most of these assets are in the names of Partha Chatterjee and Arpita Mukherjee. Some assets are also in the name of shell companies. Several flats of Arpita Mukherjee were raided by the ED on July 27 and 28. Around Rs 49.80 crore and gold jewelry worth Rs 5.08 crore were seized.