New Delhi: Amidst the ongoing Lok Sabha Election, Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Friday addressed the public meeting in Uttar Pradesh's Amethi and did a campaign for Congress MP candidate Kishori Lal Sharma challenged by BJP candidate Smriti Irani. While addressing the public, she hit out at the BJP government over Agniveer's schemes and said "Now, Join the military, get retired in five years, and you are unemployed again."


She criticized the Modi-led government and raised a question about the kind of scheme BJP bring for people. Priyanka asserted that there was a time when people used to go to the military with the thought that their family would be secure but now they join the military and get retired and unemployed again after five years.

"What kind of scheme does Modi govt bring for you? They brought schemes like Agniveer. At one time, when you used to go in the military, you would have thought that it's fine I am ready to sacrifice myself for the country but, my family will be secured. What is today now, join the military, get retired in five years, and you are unemployed again...," Congress leader said.

Later the Congress leader interacted with the media and said the BJP is not listing the things mentioned in their manifesto and attributing their imagination to our Manifesto. "BJP is attributing their imagination to our manifesto. It is speaking of buffaloes. It lists things that are nowhere in our manifesto. Why is it not listing things from their own manifesto?... They should list what they did...Why are they fixated on our manifesto? They have their own..," she said.

She further said that the BJP's leader knows that if the election comes to concrete issues like unemployment, inflation and farmers' issues they will never win the election because they have not done anything.

"All their leaders know that if the election comes to concrete issues - unemployment, inflation, farmers' issues, they will not be able to win at all because they have not done anything," she said.