New Delhi: BJP lawmaker Gautam Gambhir on Sunday called the massive Anaj Mandi fire a tragic incident and said responsibility needs to be fixed in this regard."I do not wish to indulge in politics but there must be an investigation into the incident. Someone has to take responsibility, it is a tragic incident," Gambhir told ANI.


"Someone is responsible for it and someone should be given punishment for it," he said of the blaze which killed 43 people. Extending condolences to bereaved families, he said: "All I can say is that my heart goes for the families, who have lost their loved ones in the tragic incident. It is very unfortunate. One shall take permission and no-objection certificate (NOC) to run such factories."

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The cricketer-turned-politician recalled fire incident in Karol Bagh that claimed 17 lives and said that we all shall take responsibility that such incidents do not occur again because only poor labourers are the sufferers. "If you will put it only to the enquiry no one would feel scared," he added.

At least 43 people were killed after a massive fire broke out in a factory operating from a residential area when the blaze broke out in Anaj Mandi area on Rani Jhansi Road on Sunday morning, police said. Sixteen people are said to be injured in the treatment and are being treated at Delhi`s Lok Nayak Hospital and Lady Hardinge hospitals.

Around 62 people were taken out by fire tenders from the building that caught fire in the wee hours.