The body of Deepak Kumar Meena, a 21-year-old talented student from Dausa district of Rajasthan, who was preparing for UPSC Mains in Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi, was found in the bushes under suspicious circumstances after he went missing for last 10 days. As per the initial investigation, police are considering it a suicide.


According to the initial investigation, police believe it was a suicide. Police said that no suicide note has been found, so the reason for the suicide is unknown at this time. According to police, the youth has been missing for the past ten days.

After receiving information about the missing youth, police began searching for him and found his body near the bushes in the Mukherjee Nagar area on Friday. According to police, the young man committed suicide by hanging himself in bushes near the Dussehra grounds in the Mukherjee Nagar area.