Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has extended his gratitude to the people of the Gola Gokarannath Assembly constituency as the party won the bypoll with a significant margin."Hearty congratulations to all the hardworking workers and respected voters for the victorious victory of @BJP4UP in the by-election in Gola Gokarnath Vidhan Sabha seat!," UP CM wrote on Twitter.  senior official said that the BJP`s Aman Giri won the Gola Gokarannath Assembly bypoll on Sunday by defeating Samajwadi Party candidate Vinay Tiwari by over 34,000 votes."Giri won by a margin of 34,298 votes. He received 1,24,810 votes and Tiwari got 90,512 votes," the official said.

Symbol of unwavering public faith


Yogi also said that this spectacular victory was a symbol of unwavering public faith in the double-engine BJP government`s public welfare policies.Meanwhile, the BJP state office resonated with drums and celebration after Giri`s victory.BJP members celebrate with firecrackers and sweets in front of the party office in Lucknow.The BJP was seeking to retain the Gola Gokarannath seat in Uttar Pradesh, which fell vacant after the death of BJP MLA Arvind Giri in September.

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With the BSP and the Congress keeping away from the by-polls, the fight was between the BJP`s Aman Giri and the SP candidate and former Gola Gokarannath MLA Vinay Tiwari.The Uttar Pradesh BJP congratulated Aman Giri and wished him a successful tenure ahead."Many congratulations and best wishes to Shri Aman Giri on his victory in the Gola Gokarnath by-election. We wish you a successful tenure," the UP BJP said in a Hindi tweet.