New Delhi: Cracking the Civil Services Exam (CSE) stands as an aspirational beacon for millions, beckoning them towards the coveted positions of IAS, IPS, and other esteemed civil services roles. Each year witnesses a staggering influx of 8-10 lakh eager applicants to the UPSC, all nurturing the fervent desire to carve their names among the elite ranks of civil servants. Yet, amid this sea of aspirations, only a select few are fortunate enough to see their dreams materialize.


For thousands of aspirants, the journey is fraught with setbacks and disappointments, as they grapple with the harsh reality of repeated attempts yielding no fruit. However, amidst these trials, there exist exemplars of unwavering determination and resilience. One such luminary is IAS Priyanka Goel, whose unwavering spirit refused to yield even after encountering the sting of failure five times over.

Undeterred by the weight of past disappointments, Priyanka embarked on her sixth attempt with renewed vigor, fortified by an indomitable resolve to surmount all obstacles. It was through relentless perseverance and unwavering consistency that she finally emerged triumphant, clinching victory in the formidable UPSC CSE of 2022, securing an esteemed All India Rank (AIR) of 369.

Hailing from the bustling streets of Delhi, Priyanka's journey began at Keshav Mahavidyalaya, where she laid the foundations of her academic prowess, ultimately graduating with a degree in B.Com. Fuelled by a childhood dream to serve her nation through the corridors of bureaucracy, she plunged headlong into the rigorous preparations for the UPSC Civil Services examination soon after completing her undergraduate studies.

Her path was fraught with numerous trials and moments of crippling self-doubt. Yet, with unwavering resolve, she steadfastly navigated through the labyrinth of challenges, emerging victorious in her final attempt, securing her rightful place among the chosen few.

Beyond her intellectual acumen, Priyanka's vibrant presence extends into the realm of social media, where she generously shares glimpses of her personal and professional endeavors with her ardent following of 146k on Instagram. Her bio, adorned with poetic fervor, reflects her deep reverence for nature, encapsulating the essence of her unyielding spirit: "If one could only catch that true color of nature-the very thought of it drives me mad."