The BJP today announced Rajya Sabha MP Manik Saha's name for the Tripura CM post, succeeding Biplab Kumar Deb who resigned earlier on Saturday. However, the everything didn't go as planned by the BJP that held the legislature party meeting at the chief minister's official residence soon after a Deb tendered his resignation to Governor SN Arya. As Deb proposed the 69-year-old Saha's name in the meeting, minister Ram Prasad Paul protested, which led to a scuffle among MLAs.


Paul, as seen in a video tweeted by Trinamool Congress, smashed a chair on floor before the situation was calmed.

Paul wanted deputy chief minister Jishnu Dev Varma, a member of the erstwhile Tripura royal family, as the next chief minister of the state, sourced told news agency PTI. The TMC took a jibe at the BJP. "Ram Prasad, feeling okay? The entire @BJP4Tripura unit seems to be falling apart! TMC proves its might yet again! #ShameOnBJP," TMC's Tripura unit Tweeted from its official Twitter handle.