The International Day for Monuments and Sites or World Heritage Day is observed on April 18 every year. The idea is to promote cultural heritage via activities undertaken by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). 


In line with the coornavirus global pandemic this year's theme of ‘Shared Cultures, Shared Heritage, Shared Responsibility’ has become even more important. Almost all the countries have imposed a complete lockdown, travelling has been barred and instead staying at home has been recommended as a measure of protection against the deadly pathogen.

The organisation in its latest release suggested certain measures to celebrate April 18 through the internet. Some activities can be undertaken like virtual conferences, online lectures, press releases and social media campaigns, the UNESCO release suggested.

The statement read: "You can post photos, information and videos on shared cultures and shared heritage from your respective country. To increase the reach, we should use hashtags and share the message with as many friends and family as possible. Individuals can also upload photos which are in relation to the theme, onto the ICOMOS Photobank."

The UNESCO backed World Heritage Convention urged people to participate in the event and invite freinds and family too. "It is through online activities like these that we can spread awareness about our shared cultural heritage and educate those who are unaware about the rich cultural history that we have," the statement further said.

Last year's theme was 'rural landscapes' and in 2017 it was 'sustainable tourism'.