Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed her condolences to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday, stating that "your mother means our mother" and requesting that he cut short his program and take rest after the recent death of his mother, Heeraben Modi. Banerjee offered her condolences on behalf of the people of West Bengal and remembered her own mother, saying: "I don't know how to give my condolences and messages to your family members and others because the mother is no substitute for any other. On behalf of the people of West Bengal, I thank you so much for giving us this opportunity. Your mother means our mother also. I remember my mother also. May god give you the strength to continue your work."


She was speaking at the inauguration of various Railway projects in West Bengal, which PM Modi was attending virtually.



Political leaders across party lines expressed their grief over PM Modi's mother's death.

Heeraben Modi passes away at Gujarat hospital

Modi's mother passed away at the UN Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Centre in Ahmedabad on Friday morning after being hospitalized on Wednesday. The Prime Minister performed the last rites of his mother, carrying the bier on his shoulder and walking barefoot as he consigned the mortal remains to fire along with his brothers.

In a statement, Modi said: "I am grateful to the doctors and nursing staff at the hospital for all the care and attention provided to my mother. I also express my gratitude to all the well-wishers and those who prayed for my mother's well-being."