An information overload on haircare advice on the internet can leave you overwhelmed and confused about the basics. The truth, though, is far simpler that you think and it is this — a clean scalp is the first step to healthy hair! 
A dirty scalp is nothing but a build-up of all the products, dust, oil and pollutants that create an ideal environment for bacteria and fungi to grow and flourish on your scalp. This not only damages your hair in the long run, but also causes other problems like dryness and dandruff.


Here are a few tips shared by Ritu Vijayvergiya, Co-Founder of 2.Oh! to help you master the art of taking care of your hair like a pro!

1.Scalp Cleansing is Key
Most often, we focus on scrubbing clean our hair strands when what we should be doing is cleaning our scalp! It is your scalp, not your hair, that is the breeding ground for bacteria and fungi which cause dandruff and itchiness. To cleanse your scalp thoroughly, use a tri-surfactant-based shampoo to give your head of hair a deep, effective cleanse, removing everything from pollutants to product residue. Surfactants help break down oils, dirt and other impurities making a hair wash super-efficient. 

2. Conditioning from Mid to Ends
When it comes to conditioning, remember to apply the product from your mid to the ends of your hair. Never make the mistake of applying conditioner on your scalp! Don’t forget, conditioning is not just about using the right product, it’s about using the right formula for your needs. A hair mask is a better option than a regular conditioner as it penetrates the hair more deeply and provides intense hydration for a longer duration. Opt for a high-quality hair mask infused with active ingredients like Behentrimonium Chloride, a powerful conditioning agent that locks in moisture and deeply hydrates the hair. This ingredient ensures smoother, shinier strands while effectively reducing static and frizz. For optimal results, apply the mask once a week. Leave it on for 15–20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Scalp hydration is just as important as hydrating is for your skin. The skin on your scalp is no different from the rest of your body and it requires moisture to stay healthy. Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support scalp health. Take your routine a step further by incorporating weekly scalp massages with hydrating oils such as argan, castor or olive oil. This promotes blood circulation and helps your hair follicles absorb nutrients better.

4. DIY Hydrating Treatments
For an extra boost of hydration, consider adding some DIY treatments to your routine. Curd, honey, bananas and avocado are all fantastic natural ingredients that nourish your scalp. Mix these ingredients together to create a hydrating hair mask that will replenish moisture and combat dryness. Essential oils like rosemary and tea tree oil can also be added to soothe itching and inflammation. Tea tree oil, in particular has anti-fungal and anti- bacterial properties, making it perfect for tackling flaky and itchy scalps.

5. The Right Temperature Matters
When washing your hair, especially during the winter months, be mindful of the temperature of the water you use for your wash. Avoid using hot water, as it can strip the scalp of its natural oils, leading to dryness and further buildup. Instead, wash your hair with lukewarm water to effectively cleanse your scalp without irritating it. Finish your hair wash routine with a cold-water rinse to seal the hair cuticles
and lock in the moisture for shiny and smooth clean hair.