New Delhi: The Meteorological Centre for Konkan region sounded an 'orange alert' for Mumbai and Thane predicting heavy showers till Wednesday, September 9. 


Three Maharashtra districts - Mumbai, Thane and Palghar, have been receiving moderate to heavy rains since late Tuesday evening, and heavy showers are expected to continue all through Wednesday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forcast.

While Mumbai and Thane have been placed under an orange alert, Palghar is placed under a red alert, indicating chances of extremely heavy rainfall.

The collectors of the two Maharashtra districts appealed people not to venture into rivers, lakes and other water bodies in the next few days and also avoid travelling, unless absolutely necessary. Citizens have been asked to remain vigilant in the wake of heavy rainfall prediction. The people have been asked to not cross bridges located over flooded rivers. 

People have been asked to keep a sufficient stock of essential items at home and protect electric meters in their buildings from flood waters. The authorities have also asked people residing near the banks of rivers to stay alert and shift to safer places if the water level rises in their areas.