A 28-year-old jobless woman was given a one-year suspended jail term today for stealing and desecrating copies of the Koran, infuriating Pakistanis living in Japan, a court official said. Anna Murata, 28, said, “There`s no mistake about it in admitting her guilt at the first hearing of her trial for the incident, which occurred in the town of Kosugi,” Toyama prefecture, about 250 km northwest of Tokyo in early April, Jiji press reported.
The court official from the Toyama district court confirmed the sentence and name of the woman, but not the details of the case. Murata was charged with sneaking into a mosque in Kosugi and stealing four copies of the Muslim holy book, late at night on April 8, Jiji said.
In May, she cut the religious texts up with scissors in front of a Pakistani-owned used car dealership in Kosugi. Rather than reading out the reasoning for his judgement, judge Masanori Mizuno told Murata she should think about how her actions will affect society before doing them, Jiji reported.
Bureau Report