Mumbai: A man has filed an RTI asking the Ministry of Home Affairs whether the Indian government is prepared to face invasion by aliens, zombies, and extra-dimensional beings.


A copy of the query filed under RTI by Mumbai's Ajay Kumar has gone viral.

"I am concerned about the readiness of our government in the event of invasion by aliens, zombies and extra dimensional beings," he said in his RTI application.

"Can we do it without Will Smith?" 26-year-old Kumar wondered. Will Smith is a Hollywood actor who fights zombies in `I Am Legend` and faces aliens on Earth in the `Men in Black` franchise.


Responding to this, the Home Ministry has stated that the query refers to a "hypothetical situation" and therefore does not fall under its purview.

Here is the RTI copy:

The post was originally posted on Facebook by the page earlier this year, but went viral today.