New Delhi: A day after creating a storm by demanding the removal of Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Subramanian Swamy, Thursday, took a dig at the Centre saying he is ready to suspend his demand if the Union government thinks that the CEA is an 'asset'.


While expressing his views on his Twitter account, the firebrand BJP leader said, “If BJP Union govt says that we know all about AS but still he is an asset, then I will suspend my demand and wait for events to prove truth.”

Taking pot shots at Arvind Subramanian, Swamy tweeted: “If an Indian?, held patriotic, can advise a foreign nation where he works, to twist India's arm, is to be forgiven, then I suspend my demand.”

Lending credentials to his allegations that the incumbent CEA is inclined towards the US, the newly appointed BJP Rajya Sabha MP said, “AS to US Cong: "US initiatives by discriminating against India companies and exporters will exert pressure on India to open up" AS 13/3/13 !”

His reaction comes after Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and BJP on Wednesday quickly stepped in to dismiss Swamy's statement in a bid to douse speculation whether his statement had the backing of anyone in the government or the party.

"Well, the government has full confidence in CEA Arvind Subramanian. His advice to government from time to time has been of great value," the Finance Minister told a media briefing where questions were asked on Swamy's statement.