New Delhi: The world community continued with its condemnation the dastardly Uri attack with Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and many other countries on Tuesday conveying strong support to India in its fight against terror.


Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Mauritius, Bahrain, Qatar, Nepal Mongolia and South Korea also strongly condemned the terror attack in Uri that left 18 soldiers dead and called for sustained regional and global cooperation to eliminate the menace of terrorism.

In a statement, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, without taking Pakistan's name, said every country is responsible for taking decisive action against terrorism emanating from its territory.

"Germany stands resolutely at India's side in the fight against terrorism. At the Indo-German counter terrorism consultations, which will take place in a few days' time, we will further discuss the threat to our two countries' societies," he said.

Japan said it condemned terrorism in all forms regardless of its purposes, and strongly reiterated that no act of terrorism can be justified.

"Japan expresses its solidarity with India in the fight against terrorism," the Japanese Foreign Ministry said.

Strongly condemning the terror attack, Sri Lanka said there was an urgent need for sustained regional and global cooperation to eliminate the menace of terrorism.

"In the hour of grief, the Government of Sri Lanka offers its condolences to the families of the victims of the attack," the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry said, adding the country had grappled with the challenge of terrorism for three decades.

Saudi Arabia, considered to be close ally of Pakistan, denounced the Uri attack and conveyed condolences to the families of the victims.

The United Arab Emirates said renewed its "firm stand" against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, adding it supports all actions India may take to "confront and eradicate" the menace.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain, in a statement, conveyed its "full support to the friendly Republic of India in their actions to counter terrorism, renewing the Kingdom's firm position against all forms of terrorism and calling for concerted efforts to eliminate it and cut off its funding".

Expressing solidarity, Bhutan said it stands with India in the fight against terror.

"Such heinous acts of terrorism call for the need to step up international cooperation to combat the scourge of terrorism that poses a severe threat to the peace and stability of all countries," the Bhutanese Foreign Ministry said.

Mauritius, Qatar, Nepal, Mongolia, the Maldives and South Korea have also strongly condemned the strike, saying it cannot be justified under any circumstances.

The US, UK, Russia, France, Canada and Afghanistan have already condemned Sunday's attack.