New Delhi: The Lok Sabha was disrupted repeatedly on Tuesday as opposition members created ruckus over the fiscal chaos following the demonetisation.


Speaker Sumitra Mahajan tried to run the Question Hour, but slogans raised by the opposition forced her to adjourn the house till 2 p.m. after continued disruptions.

Soon after the house met, opposition members raised slogans against the Narendra Modi-led government`s decision to scrap Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes as a legal tender on November 8, that has led to the cash crunch.

The opposition demanded a debate on the issue under an adjournment motion which entails voting.

However, the government rejected the demand.

The lower house was first adjourned till 11.30 a.m. and then till 12 noon.

When the house met again at noon, the scene was no different. Mahajan disallowed all notices for adjournment motion, but opposition members continued with their demand, leading to the adjournment of the house till 2 p.m.