Delhi: In a hard-hitting statement, India's Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the United Nations Syed Akbaruddin said on Wednesday that sell by date of Pakistan's anachronistic approach was over.


"No amount of misuse of international fora by Pakistan will change reality. Sell by date of Pakistan's anachronistic approach is over," Akbaruddin said in the General Assembly debate on the Report of the Secretary General on the Work of the Organisation here. 

He added, "Our response to Pakistan is consistent. Abandon your futile quest, J&K is an integral part of India and will remain so," as per ANI.

Akbaruddin maintained, "We look away as some amongst us stall our collective efforts, as they use terrorist proxies in such territorial quests, country which has established itself as global epicentre of terror. Such claims (Kashmir) find no resonance among global community."

India criticises UNSC for not sanctioning Masood Azhar

At the same time, talking about India's bid for a UN ban against JeM chief Masood Azhar, he told the UNGA that the 15-nation Security Council, the 'principal organ' tasked with the maintenance of peace and security, has in a variety of ways become "unresponsive to the needs of our time and ineffective to meeting the challenges it is confronted with".

Without naming China, Akbaruddin referred to its technical hold on India's bid against Azhar, saying that the Council is a body that "ponders for six months on whether to sanction leaders of organisations it has itself designated as terrorist entities".

"Then, unable to decide, it gives itself three more months to further consider this issue. One has to expectantly wait for nine months before the process is completed to know if Council members have decided on a single issue," he said.

On March 31 this year, China - a veto-wielding permanent member of the Security Council - had blocked India's move to put a ban on Azhar under the al Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the Council.

China was the sole member in the 15-nation UN organ to put a hold on India's application with all other 14 members of the Council supporting New Delhi's bid to place Azhar on the 1267 sanctions list that would subject him to an assets freeze and travel ban.

The Chinese technical hold had lapsed on Monday, and had China not raised further objection, the resolution designating Azhar as a terrorist would have been passed automatically. However, Beijing on Saturday announced the extension of its 'technical hold'.

"The extended technical hold on it will allow more time for the Committee to deliberate on the matter and for relevant parties to have further consultations," foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang had said in Beijing.

Akbaruddin said in certain instances, the Council does not even begin the nine-month process of identification and listing of publicly announced leaders of listed entities.

"At best, it is now a body that can be described as an interesting and random mix of ad-hocism, scrambling and political paralysis. This global governance architecture now calls for comprehensive reform," the Indian envoy said. 

Here's the video of his speech:

India slams Sharif over his remark on Burhan Wani

On the other hand, India today said that Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's comments describing Hizbul terrorist Burhan Wani, whose encounter killing by security forces triggered the current unrest in the Valley, as "son of the Kashmiri soil" shows that country's attachment to terrorism.

"The speech by Sharif at the joint session of Parliament shows Pakistan's continued attachment to terrorism," senior government sources said, as per PTI.

Their remarks came after Sharif, while addressing a joint session of Parliament convened to discuss the security situation in the wake of increasing Indo-Pak tensions, accused India of running away from dialogue and instead creating a war-like environment by blaming Pakistan for the Uri terror attack in which 19 Indian soldiers were killed last month.

Sharif expressed support for Kashmiris and said the issue should be resolved according to the wishes of people of Kashmir and the UN resolutions.

"The Kashmiri youth have taken it upon themselves to carry on the movement of freedom against Indian aggression and atrocities... The death of Burhan Wani, son of the Kashmiri soil, had reminded India to give Kashmiris their right to self- determination," Sharif said. 

(With Agency inputs)