New Delhi: Social activist Swami Agnivesh on Saturday condemned yoga guru Ramdev over his alleged remarks on Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and sought an apology from him. "I urge Ramdev to issue a public apology to the Dalit women of the country," said Agnivesh, President of World Council of Arya Samaj, in a statement here. He also urged Ramdev to work the next five years only for the uplift of dalits. Agnivesh further appealed to BJP`s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi to condemn Ramdev for his defamatory insinuations against Dalit women, saying keeping quiet on this issue could amount to his endorsing caste-based prejudices and attitudes. "It is particularly offensive that a man who dons saffron has thus fouled the public space. He has insulted and desecrated saffron," he added.