New Delhi: Senior advocate Ram Jethmalani on Wednesday said Narendra Modi deserves to be the Prime Minister while Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal are "unfit" for the office.
"I have very seriously thought about it (Prime Ministerial candidate) and surveyed all the political parties and came to the conclusion that Modi is better than all the others put together," he said at a press conference organised by lawyers.
He said he did not consider Rahul Gandhi "whatsoever to be proper" to hold that office. "He is not intellectually equipped for that job". "Then comes late-come latif Arvind Kejriwal. When AAP was formed, I not only welcomed their party but had also given handsome donation."
He said Modi will be in Delhi on March 14 to meet lawyers and discuss their problems.
"I believe it is in the interest of India that Modi should become Prime Minister. I personally promoted his name. I seek no office or help from Modi or any other politician. I am working in the interest of this country," he said.
Jethmalani claimed that one of the founders of AAP advocate Prashant Bhushan himself had told him that "AAP is the B team of Congress" and they were "working" for Rahul Gandhi. "This man (Kejriwal) and his party are nothing but B team of Congress," he said.
He said Kejriwal had written 16 questions to Modi but why he did not ask anything from Congress. "It is because they both are same", he said.