Zee Media Bureau/Himanshu Kapoor New Delhi: Indulging in moral policing, Telugu Desam Party MP Murli Mohan Maganti on Thursday kicked up a storm as he made a sexist remark in Lok Sabha. The Rajahmundry MP said that women should dress in a dignified manner while the lower house was having a discussion on atrocities against women. While Maganti continued ranting about how women should dress, other MPs who were present in the house simply watched in silence. The actor-turned-politician and newly-elected MP also added that the women also should uphold the Indian culture.
Reacting to his remark, All India Women Congress (AIWC) President Shobha Oza said that comments like these only encourage culprits of rape, rather than advising women they should advise men.
After drawing ire of other politicians, Maganti apologised for his sexist remark in Parliament. "My intentions are good, I put women in high esteem. If I hurt feelings of anyone I tender my apology," he told ANI. It seems that the MPs are doing there best to antagonise the public with sexist, chauvinistic attitudes on issues of crime against women, and Maganti`s name is the latest one to be added in the long list of politicians who have made sexist remarks when it comes to discussion on rape issues.