Alpes-Maritimes: A man hurt in last month`s massacre in the French city of Nice has died of his injuries, taking the death toll in the Bastille Day attack to 86, the government said Friday.


The latest victim leaves behind a wife and two children, the department in charge of assisting victims of attacks said.

The attack on France`s national holiday came eight months after 130 people were killed at a Paris concert hall and other nightspots in the capital in November by Islamic State (IS) gunmen and suicide bombers.

On top of the 86 killed in Nice, over 400 people were injured when Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove a truck into crowds leaving a fireworks display on Nice`s waterfront on France`s national holiday.

IS claimed the carnage as the work of one of its "soldiers".

Investigators have found no proof of Bouhlel`s allegiance to IS but say he had a fascination with jihad and had planned the attack for months.