New Delhi: Jihadists of the Islamic Front have recently released a video showing the detailed training module that Islamist fighters engaged in the strife-torn Middle East go through.


The video, Daily Mail reports, covers in detail the programme that the Islamist fighters call a 'Black War Training Camp.'

The description of the Youtube video that translates to "Stay tuned ... Black War 2" shows fighters engaged in grueling training that involves climbing rock, descending down zip lines and wielding nunchucks.

The report speculates that the rebels maybe receiving military aid and training from an established military power.

Reports say that the video is likely a recruitment aid of the Islamic Front, which is a rival body of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS).

Experts suggest that the Islamic Front could consist of almost 45,000 fighters who have sworn allegiance to the group that was formed last November.

The Front has its roots intertwined with the Free Syrian Army.