Paris: A nursery school teacher was attacked in Paris suburbs by a man weilding a box cutter and citing Islamic State on Monday.


A hooded man claiming to be acting for the dreaded terrorist group attacked the school teacher as he prepared for classes in a school north of Paris.

According to French daily newspaper Le Parisien, the attacker said: "It is for Daesh, it is a warning." Daesh is another name for IS.

The teacher used to provide his services at Jean Perrin d'Aubervilliers school.

The attacker was dressed in painter`s overalls and a balaclava and arrived without a weapon but grabbed what appeared to be a box cutter that was lying in the classroom.

Fortunately, the teacher did not suffer life-threatening injuries and is in stable condition in a hospital.

Meanwhile, the case has been handed over to anti-terrorist investigators and the officials are looking out for the attacker, who fled after stabbing the teacher.

The Islamic State`s French-language magazine Dar-al-Islam called in its November edition for its followers to kill teachers in the French education system, describing them as "enemies of Allah" for teaching secularism and "in open war against the Muslim family."

The incident came a month after gunmen and suicide bombers killed 130 people in Paris an attack claimed by Islamic State, which controls swathes of Syria and Iraq and has vowed to attack France, a member of the coalition of countries conducting air strikes against it.