Zeenews Bureau
United Nations: Speaking during the UN General Assembly meet, Syria`s foreign minister Walid Muallem accused the United States and its allies on Monday of supporting terrorism in Syria, according to the BBC. However, he also said that President Bashar al-Assad is open to reforms if the violence stops. "We still believe in a political solution as an essential way out of the crisis," he said.
“France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United States clearly induce and support terrorism in Syria with money, weapons and foreign fighters," Walid Muallem added. For any kind of reform, he said UN members should press for an end to the "arming, financing, harboring and training of terrorist groups." Muallem showed his grief by saying, “Washington and many of its allies accuse Syria`s government of mass human rights abuses in the ongoing struggle to put down the armed rebellion. But the Security Council have itself failed to condemn rebel bombings as some of its members are supporting such acts.”