New Delhi: Afghan pop star and reality show judge Aryana Sayeed recently fled Afghanistan after the Taliban took over the country. In her Instagram post on Wednesday (August 19), she shared a picture of her on a US flight and revealed in the caption that she has reached Doha, Qatar and is waiting for her flight to Istanbul. 


She also prayed for the citizens of the country and expressed that she hopes they will be able to live peacefully without fearing suicide bombers and explosions.

In the caption, Aryana wrote, "I had said in one of my recent interviews that I will be the “Last Soldier to leave the Motherland”… and interestingly enough, that is exactly what happened. I hope and pray as a result of the recent changes, at the very least my beautiful people will be able to start living a peaceful life without the fear of suicide bombers and explosions. My heart, my prayers and my thoughts will always be with you!"

"My heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone of you for your well-wishes and prayers who were concerned about my presence inside Afghanistan after so many others with lesser dangers/concerns had already left.  I am well and alive and after a couple of unforgettable nights, I have reached Doha, Qatar and am awaiting my eventual flight back home to Istanbul. After I get home and my mind and emotions return back to normal from a world of disbelief and shock, I have many stories to share with you My LOVE/S!! For now, please stay safe and please stay united! xoxo," she added.

The pop star concluded by saying, "I hope and pray as a result of the recent changes, at the very least my beautiful people will be able to start living a peaceful life without the fear of suicide bombers and explosions I am well and alive and after a couple of unforgettable nights, I have reached Doha, Qatar and am awaiting my eventual flight back home to Istanbul."

Check out her post:


After this post, her husband Hasib Sayed shared a boomerang of the pop star while she was sleeping on the plane and praised her for her bravery considering the dangerous events that took place in Afghanistan over the past few days.


For the unversed, pop star Aryana Sayeed is one of the most popular Afghan singers and TV personalities. She sings in Persian and Pashto. Interestingly, she was a judge in the Afghan version of The Voice - the show aired in 2013. Later, she also became a judge on the show Afghan Star. She has won several awards as well such as the Afghan Icon Award and the 2017 Best Female Artist of Afghanistan.