After proving her mettle in Bollywood, Alia Bhatt is going all international and is making waves on the global stage. The Bollywood diva, who recently turned a lot of heads at international events like the Met Gala and a Gucci event in Korea, has now captivated the audiences' attention with her appearance at Netflix's Tudum event 2023. Alia jetted off to Brazil to take part in the event alongside her Heart of Stone co-actors Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. 


The trailer of her debut Hollywood film was also unveiled at the event, pictures of which are going viral on social media. Fans were left mesmerised and excited over seeing Alia at her best at Tudum 2023. 

Alia Bhatt Stuns In Green

Alia Bhatt looked stunning in a dark green outfit that she opted for at the event. Alia left her fans impressed and wowed them with her captivating fashion choice once again. She also shared pictures of her amazing ensemble on Instagram, while expressing her gratitude towards fans for all the love in Brazil. "Obrigado Brazil… thank you for all the love! You have my heart," she wrote. 

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While the first few pictures show the actress posing for the camera in her gorgeous outfit, the following ones are from the event as she shared the stage with her co-actors. Many including her mom Soni Razdan, actresses Athiya Shetty and Soha Ali Khan showered love on her. 

"Oh wow I say," her mother wrote. 

Fans also took to the comment section and praised her beauty and fashion sense with adoring comments. 

About Alia Bhatt's TUDUM outfit

For the big event, Alia Bhatt chose a stunning forest-green coloured ensemble by Herve Leger that included a top with elegant cap sleeves, a deep plunging neckline, a chic peplum design, and a fitted bodice crafted from knitted fabric.

She paired the top with a matching maxi-length body-hugging skirt that had a side slit. Going simple with her accessories, Alia wore just a few rings and further completed her look with a pair of black pump heels.

Speaking about her makeup, she went natural look with nude eyeshadow, mascara-coated lashes, contoured cheeks, and a dash of nude lipstick.