New Delhi: Actress Alia Bhatt, who on Wednesday night attended the screening of her best friend Akansha Ranjan Kapoor's debut film 'Guilty', is making her and boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor's fans go crazy after the internet spotted that her phone wallpaper is a loved-up picture of the couple hugging each other. A picture of Alia from the screening venue shows the actress clutching her phone in her hand and as the screen light pops, we see the wallpaper. The picture, which has been curated by fan clubs on social media, features her in a light-coloured attire while Ranbir can be seen in a blue outfit. 


Take a look at the picture here:

Alia and Ranbir fell in love on the sets of their work-in-progress film 'Brahmastra'. The couple hasn't yet spoken openly about their relationship but are often spotted together on each other's family events and holidays. The actress' social media posts for Ranbir also speak a thousand words. Just recently the duo made a grand entry at Ranbir cousin Armaan Jain's wedding reception in Mumbai.

As of now, both Alia and Ranbir are busy completing 'Brahmastra' schedule. The Ayan Mukerji-directed film also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Dimple Kapadia, Nagarjuna and Mouni Roy. Apart from 'Brahmastra', Alia will be seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' while Ranbir has 'Shamshera' in the pipeline.