As Shakespeare said “Love is not love, which alters when it alteration finds”, rightly so. We bring you the best relationship hacks to preserve the magic. These hacks will help you make your partner happy and keep the relationship healthy and long term.


Check them out

Be a good listener

Make sure that your partner knows that you are attentive towards their problems and query. This makes them feel loved and secured. If they talk about something that they're passionate about always show keen interest and ask questions, it assures them that you care about them and what they are doing in life.

Accept your mistakes and kill your ego

There is no space for ego when it comes to love and if you intend to have a long-term relationship with someone you will have to learn to accept your mistakes and make amends right away. Gracefully accepting defeats in arguments will make your partner forgive you easily.

Compliment your partner more often

Be it a man or women everyone likes a little flattery on their side. Make sure you compliment your partner more often and not just on how they look but on their work and sometimes just like that. Compliments are best when unexpected.

Honesty is the best policy

Always be honest with your partner, they deserve the truth no matter how ugly it is. Lying kills relationships and causes trust issues. No matter how small or big the problem is, discuss it with your partner, it makes them feel involved.

Respect your partner's career choices

Always make a big deal about your partner's achievements. It motivates them to do better in life. Never ever make them feel like their job is not important or irrelevant. This causes a major setback in relationships. Respect their career choices and support them in every way possible. Love is not enough if there is no respect for one another in the relationship.

Treat each other with gifts and vacations

Lastly, gifts are a great way to show that you care about your partner. Make sure you make small gestures time to time to let them know that they are appreciated and loved. Also, plan vacations or take road trips to nearby places to keep the adventure alive.