New Delhi: Jaya Bachchan recently made headlines for objecting to being called by her full name Jaya Amitabh Bachchan. She strongly took a stand and said that despite women achieving so much in life she would be identified by her husband's name and called out the hypocrisy of the society and many took her stand for this.


And how once again she is making news for the same reason but this time, she is being called names as a hypocrite as Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar asked her to change the name if she is so unhappy with it. To which Jaya Bachchan said that she is very proud of her husband’s name but has a problem with this new drama that has been started off adding the full name in the Parliament. To which the Chairman corrected her and said that she had the option to change the name. 

Jaya said, "Sir I hope you know the meaning of Amitabh. I mean, I am proud of the association with my marriage and my husband, but I am just saying that I am very happy and proud of my husband's achievements." She further added," This is a new drama started by you all. This did not use to happen before".

The Chairman responded to her claims," Jaya Ji, the name that appears in the election certificate is what is used, and you can get the name changed; there is a provision for that".

Jaya Bachchan gets trolled over being defensive when asked to change her name officially. Who do you think is right?