New Delhi: On Friday (June 25), Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn had taken to Twitter to share a heartfelt post on his late father Veeru Devgn's birth anniversary. A day later, on Saturday, veteran actor Dharmendra replied to Devgn's post fondly remembering his father. Touched by the warm gesture, Ajay replied to Dharmendra's tweet and thanked him for his love. This interaction was quite touching and left fans in awe of their father-son like relationship.


Here's what actor Ajay Devgn had tweeted on his birth anniversary: "I miss you every day. More so today. Happy birthday papa. Life hasn't been the same since."


To this, Dharmendra replied, "Ajay, love you my son. Be happy healthy and strong . Your papa , was my most affectionate companion. He will always be remembered with great love and respect, Take care."


Overwhelmed with love, the 'Golmaal' actor wrote back, "Thank you Dharamji for your love. Papa & I both loved you.  And, I continue to do so. Respects to you Paaji".


Ajay's father Veeru Devgn was a renowned action choreographer and was best known for his work in the film 'Phool Aur Kante', 'Mr Natwarlal', and 'Shahenshah'. He died in 2019 owing to age-related ailments.

On the professional front, Ajay will next be seen in the Hindi remake of the Telugu film 'Naandhi' and collaborating with South producer Dil Raju.