New Delhi: On the untimely demise of veteran actor Rishi Kapoor, the entire film fraternity including his fans in India and abroad are shocked and shattered with grief. While it has just been a day when we are coming to terms with actor Irrfan Khan's death, another blow came with Rishi Kapoor's sudden demise which shook everyone. 


In this hour of this grief, his family, which also happens to be the first filmy family of Bollywood - the Kapoors shared their thoughts and extended condolences on social media. 

Take a look at what wife Neetu, daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and nieces, Karisma, Kareena Kapoor shared: 

Rishi Kapoor left this material world for his heavenly abode on Thursday, April 30, 2020, at 8.45 am. He was admitted to Mumbai's Sri HN Reliance Foundation hospital on Wednesday night. 

The thespian was battling Leukemia for the last two years and underwent treatment for it in New York where he stayed for almost a year. He is survived by wife and actress Neetu Kapoor, children Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and actor Ranbir Kapoor. 

May his soul rest in peace!