New Delhi: Days after famous South star Prakash Raj hit the headlines for his remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a case was filed against him for doing so.


Prakash Raj at an event in Bengaluru had reportedly said, “Gauri Lankesh's killers have not been caught yet. But what is more disappointing is people celebrating her murder over social media and spreading hatred. Some of these people who celebrated her (Gauri's) murder are followed by our Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) on Twitter. We have a PM, who shuts his eyes to this."

In an interview with The Hindu, Prakash opened-up on his controversial statement and why he is not anti-Modi. He has been quoted as saying, “The heinous, ghastly, cowardly act of killing Gauri Lankesh disturbed me deeply. I was really pained and taken aback by the celebration over the inhuman killing. I was even more aghast that those who celebrated the killing were being followed by Mr. Modi. As a responsible citizen of this democratic country, I was disturbed by the silence of the Prime Minister. Is that a sin?”

On being called 'anti-Modi', Prakash clarified, “I said that the Prime Minister’s silence is chilling. I have a right to say this. How dare they call me anti-Modi for doing that. I’m not anti-Modi. He is my Prime Minister chosen by a majority. I don’t consider Mr. Modi as the leader of a political party. He now represents the country and every citizen. He is the head of a secular nation. I have differences with Mr. Modi on certain issues. I’m paying the price for being honest and democratic enough to express them. I’m not a coward. I won’t run away from the responsibility that society has put on my shoulders.”

“I’m responsible for what I say and that is the identity for Prakash Raj. Those trolling me are not strong enough to face up to me. Regardless of the consequences, I will speak the truth, whenever and wherever it is necessary . I stand by words. There is no question of denying that”, he added.