New Delhi: Actor turned philanthropist and social activist Sonu Sood, who has emerged as a real-life hero, never misses any chance to hog the limelight. This is for the second consecutive year that the actor has made his presence in the Durga Puja pandal which has been made by Kolkata's Kestopur Prafulla Kanan Durga Puja Committee in order to pay him respect for his good deeds.


Sharing the video from the pandal, Sonu wrote, “Happy Navratri. 
I remember visiting Durga Pooja pandals in my college days. Waiting for hours in long queues. Today I feel humbled to see myself for the 2nd consecutive year in a Durga Pooja Pandal in Kolkata. Wish I could visit with my parents if they were still around. Miss them more today. Thank you @kestopurprafulla for such a big honour. @sujoypanigrahi..”

















A post shared by Sonu Sood (@sonu_sood)

For the unversed, Sonu had helped the flood victims of the Cyclone Yaas affected residents of the Sundarbans, and so the committee members have dedicated this year's pandal theme to the flood victims.

Sunderban village area is dominated by fishermen's population and this year it was ravaged by Cyclone Yaas, completely destroying one whole village.

For the pandal, the Kestopur Prafulla Kanan Puja Committee made statues of the fishermen carrying the fishnets with them. Moreover, a life-sized statue has been dedicated to Sonu Sood for helping the flood victims.