New Delhi: Actress Sushmita Sen was spotted coming out of a plush restaurant in Mumbai with ex-boyfriend Roman Shawl on Monday evening. Her younger daughter Alisha also accompanied them. Both Sushmita and Roman wore matching outfits. They opted for a denim shirt with a black bottom. Sush also opted for no makeup and tied her hair in a messy bun.


In the video, shared by a paparazzo account, Roman can be seen escorting Alisha to the car while fans click selfies with Sushmita. He comes back and helps Sushmita safely reach the car amidst a pool of fans. The three head back together in the same car. While Sushmita sat in the front besides the driver seat, Roman and Alisha sat on the back seat. The actress happily smiled and graciously waved at her fans.

Looking at the video, ecstatic fans speculated a patch-up between ex-lovers. “"Hope they are back together,” wrote one. Another person commented, “"Wooooow!!! They are together again”. A third wrote, “The way Roman protects her”.


Last year after rumours of their splitting hit the internet, Sushmita confirmed the news in an Instagram post and maintained that they remain friends. “We began as friends, we remain friends!! The relationship was long over…the love remains!! #nomorespeculations #liveandletlive #cherishedmemories #gratitude #love #friendship. I love you guys!!! #duggadugga,” read Suhmita’s post that was shared on December 23, 2021.

Roman had also commented on it. He had written, “Always” along with a heart emoji.

On the work front, Sushmita was last seen in Disney+ Hotstar’s crime-thriller series ‘Aarya 2’. The Ram Madhvani directed hit series also stars Chandrachur Singh, Sikandar Kher, Namit Das and Ankur Bhatia in pivotal roles.