MUMBAI: The Waliv Police in Maharashtra on Thursday (Dec 29) took 'Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul' actor and Tunisha Sharma's ex-boyfriend Sheezan Khan for a general medical examination in connection with the actress death case, sources told ANI. Sheezan's police custody was supposed to have on Wednesday. But, the police had not completed the interrogation and investigation with him, so they sought his remand to be extended. 


The Police have recorded statements of nearly two dozen people in connection to the death of Tunisha Sharma, who died allegedly by suicide. The Waliv Police of Maharashtra on Thursday questioned Tunisha's mother, uncle, and aunt in connection with the alleged suicide of the popular television actor.

Tunisha's mother Vanita Sharma and her uncle Pawan Sharma were summoned by the Waliv Police for interrogation on Wednesday. Tunisha's mother had earlier alleged that Sheezan 'used to consume drugs'. She had earlier accused Sheezan of having relationships with several girls.

In another intriguing claim in the case, Tunisha's uncle Pawan Sharma on Wednesday said that the actor's behaviour and lifestyle had changed after she met Sheezan and she even started wearing a 'Hijab' (a headscarf worn by Muslim women).

Tunisha was found dead on the sets of her ongoing TV show Alibaba - Dastaan-e-Kabul on Saturday. 

A day later, her ex-boyfriend and co-star from the show, Sheezan Khan was arrested on charges of abetment to suicide on December 25. If reports are to be believed, Khan and Tunisha broke up 15 days before she died by suicide. 

Sharma was also reportedly hospitalized after she suffered anxiety attacks a few months ago. The actress suffered from depression and anxiety around 2018 as well. 

To find out the reality of what transpired between the deceased Tunisha Sharma and Sheezan Khan, during Tunisha's last moments, the Police started to scan through the WhatsApp chats between the two. 

According to the police, they have recovered chats of around 250 to 300 pages from June to this December through which they are trying to know the real reason why the Alibaba - Dastaan-e-Kabul stars decided to part ways.The police also said that it was also trying to retrieve the deleted chats between Sheezan and his 'secret girlfriend'. 

(With ANI inputs)