
'Google My Name, You'll Find...': Chennai's Famous Street Vendor Revealed As PhD Student In Surprising Twist

A PhD student in biotechnology from Chennai has skyrocketed to international fame after being featured in a viral video by American vlogger Christopher Lewis.

Viral Discovery by Christopher Lewis

Viral Discovery by Christopher Lewis

American vlogger Christopher Lewis stumbled upon a street food cart in Chennai using Google Maps. He struck up a conversation with the vendor while waiting for his order of Chicken 65, discovering that the seller was also a PhD student in biotechnology.

Rayan's Dual Life:

Rayan's Dual Life:

The student, Rayan, who manages the food cart, revealed that in addition to running his street food business, he is pursuing a doctorate in biotechnology. He even invited Lewis to explore his research paper online, impressing the vlogger and his audience.

The Origin of Chicken 65

The Origin of Chicken 65

In the video, Lewis mentioned that he was originally heading to the Buhari Hotel, the birthplace of the iconic Chicken 65 dish, which was invented by AM Buhari in Tamil Nadu in 1965. The hotel later expanded its menu with variations like Chicken 78, 82, and 90.

Internet Reaction and Discussions

Internet Reaction and Discussions

Rayan’s story has sparked widespread admiration on the internet, with many praising his ability to balance his education and entrepreneurial efforts. The story has generated conversations around the challenges faced by students working to support their studies, particularly in developing nations.

'Google My Name' Moment

'Google My Name' Moment

In the viral video, Rayan confidently told Lewis, "Google my name, you'll find..." referencing his academic achievements. This blend of humor and humility added to the viral appeal, further intriguing viewers about the PhD student's journey as both a scholar and a street food vendor.