
Horoscope Today, February 8 by Astro Sundeep Kochar: Exercise Today, Virgo

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell. 

The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar.

(Pics courtesy: Representational photos)



Pressure from family might get in your way today. Don’t let this bother you too much. Keep in mind that they care for you deeply and that is why they’re offering you advice. However, if you don’t want to accept this advice, then let them down gently. 



You’re going to be on your toes today. It’s going to be a day full of running around and finishing up unfinished tasks before the new week starts. You’re going to want to plan tomorrow out today so you don’t get stuck in a loop of confusion. Make sure you spend some time with loved ones as well, as once you start work tomorrow, you’re going to get caught up in that once again. 



Don’t push your opinions on people today. You have some great ideas and advice inside of you, but not everyone wants your opinion. Instead, sit back and let people do what they want. Focus on what you want and continue working towards your long term goals. 



When all else fails in your love life, it’s best to ask for advice from someone who is more experienced in that sector. Sometimes you can’t see clearly because you’re too involved. The person on the outside can easily help you see what’s going on in your mind - and might help you out with your dilemma too.



Your mind is full of ideas and any of these ideas can put you in the spotlight. However, don’t get too excited as this might be short-lived. First focus on the goals you’ve already set for yourself and keep these ideas aside. Leave them for a later time when you have nothing important on your plate. 



Fuel yourself with healthy food and exercise today. Focus on your health more than anything. Don’t worry too much about your finances right now, as things are going to start looking up during the second half of the day. Just focus on your health right now. 



Oh happy day. It’s your day today. All the good things are coming your way in both your personal and professional life. You don’t need to worry about anything today as everything will automatically work out exactly the way you want it. Enjoy your day of wins and gains.



Pay close attention to the feedback given to you today. This is constructive criticism that you should take into consideration. People around you care about you and that’s why they are offering their advice to you. Take this seriously as this is just a plus point for you and will help you in the future. 



You are going to cross a huge milestone today. Something you’ve been waiting on for a long time will come your way. Let this day be a positive one as you will receive what you ask for. Just remember that things are going to be fine so don’t stress over whatever doesn’t even exist as yet. Focus on the good that is going to come to you today. 



You usually put others first, but try putting yourself first today. Be a little selfish at work and finish your projects before helping others. In your personal life, try and cut out toxic people as they are the ones hindering your mental state.



Love is in the cards for you today. But not the type of love you might think. Today, focus on self-love and give some time to yourself. If you’re a health freak, then go work out if you haven’t in a while. Find time to unwind and focus on your mental health today. Again, remember SELF-LOVE.



Work smart today. You might think that all your hard work is paying off, but people who work smarter gain so much more. Remember that there are people who are fighting for your position, and if you don’t mark your territory then they might just end up crossing you. You know what you need to do.