
Horoscope Today, June 21 By Astro Sundeep Kochar: Trust The Timing Of Your Life, Leo

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell. The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar.



While your keen critical eye often leads to near-perfect results, Aries, it’s important to also show appreciation for what you have. Just like plants need the right amount of water to bloom, your dreams need love and encouragement. If your tendency to obsess over details is holding you back, step back and let your angels work their magic.




If something feels unclear, Taurus, your angels are here to help. Look beyond your fears and let love wash them away. Your angels assure you that your future is secure, so there’s no need to worry. Don’t lose hope; there are many paths to your goals. Have you explored them all?




Instead of spending your energy on draining activities, Gemini, why not go for a run, swim, or sit by a tree and converse with the cosmos about your fears? Instead of worrying about how they might hinder you, ask your angels for magical solutions. You have a vast support team across the realms of light, so lean on them.




Make a wish, send love to your wildest dreams, and then embrace the opportunities coming your way, Cancer. If you feel undervalued, remember you receive as much value as you believe you deserve. Are you putting off opportunities for later? Start now. Trust your intuition, even if your mind can’t grasp it yet. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the rewards.




If you’ve asked for a sign, Leo, it’s here, and it’s a YES. Accept lucrative offers or say yes to something you’ve been postponing. Trust the timing of your life—it’s not too good to be true. Love yourself, believe in your magic, and dive in.




If you’re dealing with a health challenge, Virgo, it’s time to try something new. A repetitive issue calls for a fresh approach or even a second opinion. Stretch your body and perhaps start an exercise routine, even if it’s just a walk. Create a version of your life that brings you happiness.




Being protected doesn’t mean you need to hold back, Libra. When you come from a place of safety, you know you’re protected no matter what. Look beyond current hiccups to the bigger picture. The cosmos often showers you with gifts and understands your desires. Sometimes delays happen for a reason, even if you don’t understand it immediately. Trust the protective hand over you.




You’ve been learning and exploring new ways to achieve your goals, Scorpio. But you might be wondering what’s blocking you from reaching your dreams. The simple answer is love. Are you pursuing your goals with love and gratitude, or just for the outcome? Infuse your actions with love and watch how things change. Like a child calmed by a hug, your dreams need love to flourish.




Everything you touch reflects the energy you put into it, Sag. What have you been investing in your life, and how are you receiving things? If you’re looking for signs, consider the options available and take time to plan. Your efforts will eventually manifest in the physical world.




When you give based on what you feel you’ve received, you create a loop of lack, Cap. But when you give from a place of abundance, knowing that sharing brings support, you create a new loop of abundance. Trust yourself and your angels. This is your time to create differently. You are immensely loved.




Have you been learning and evolving but unsure whether to share your wisdom or apply it practically, Aquarius? It’s time to channel your inner Oprah Winfrey and take center stage. Set intentions for the highest good of all, including yourself, and make things happen. You may not reach your destination overnight, but you’ll be closer than you were before.




Pisces, step away from external noise and focus on the present moment today. You may have choices before you, but today is for appreciating yourself and your life. Don’t confuse your vibe with others’ and vice versa. Stay grounded and true to yourself.