
8 Horrible Misconceptions About Independent Women

Independent women are often misunderstood because of their confident personality and good to handle attitude. It is not necessarily important to believe what society made you to think and therefore here are several misconceptions about independent women you should know about 


They Don't Need Anyone

They Don't Need Anyone

 It's often assumed that independent women don't need support or companionship. The reality is completely different as they believe in family and value relationships but also cherish their independence. (All Image Credit: Freepik) 

They Are Cold or Unapproachable

They Are Cold or Unapproachable

Independence is sometimes mistaken for being aloof or unapproachable. This myth is set in the minds of people through movies or shows but in actual fact, independent women can be warm and friendly, but they also set boundaries.


They Prioritize Career Over Everything

They Prioritize Career Over Everything

While many independent women are career-focused, that nowhere concludes that they don't value other aspects of life like family, friends, and hobbies. Every human has priorities, some value money, some family, some time and therefore one should not make assumptions about others. 

They're Feminists Who Hate Men

They're Feminists Who Hate Men

 This stereotype is far from the truth. Being independent doesn't equate to hating men, it means advocating for equality and self-sufficiency. Feminism never was abouting hating males but it is about getting equal rights and opportunities as men.  


They Don't Want to Get Married or Have Kids

They Don't Want to Get Married or Have Kids

 Some independent women may choose not to marry or have children and it is completely their call to make about their own life but many do want these things. Independence means making choices that are right for them.

They are Always Confident

They are Always Confident

 Independent women can have moments of self-doubt and insecurity just like anyone else. Their independence doesn't make them immune to these feelings. Every human may suffer for different feelings which they might not be open about. 


They Have It All Figured Out

They Have It All Figured Out

Independence doesn't mean having all the answers. Independent women are constantly learning and growing, just like everyone else. They have the personality of handling things is a much better way. 


They are Selfish

They are Selfish

Choosing to prioritize their own needs and goals doesn't make independent women selfish. It means they understand the importance of self-care and personal growth.