New Delhi: Makers of the upcoming action entertainer film 'Bhola Shankar' on Saturday unveiled the official teaser. Taking to Twitter, production house AK Entertainments shared a poster and wrote, "Presenting Mega @KChiruTweets as #BholaaShankar in @MeherRamesh's Stylish Mass presentation #BholaaShankarTeaser out now."


The teaser begins with a voiceover that says 33 people are killed brutally by one person and the Kolkata police are in search of the murderer. Then shows Chiranjeevi all his swag and mega aura in his introduction sequence where he gets ready to bash goons in their den.

Helmed by Meher Ramesh, the film stars Chiranjeevi, Tamannaah Bhatia and Keerthy Suresh in the lead roles, the official teaser of the film will be out on June 24.

The Mega Massive Action Entertainer produced splendidly by Ramabrahmam Sunkara is nearing completion. Anil Sunkara's AK Entertainments is producing the movie where Tamannaah is playing the leading lady and Keerthy Suresh will be seen as Chiranjeevi's sister. Talented actor Sushanth is essaying a lover boy role.

The film is all set to hit the theatres on August 11.

Meanwhile, Chiranjeevi recently welcomed his granddaughter as Ram Charan and his wife Upasana became parents to a baby girl. Taking to Twitter, Chiranjeevi expressed his joy on the arrival of the little princess.

He wrote, "Welcome Little Mega Princess !! You have spread cheer among the Mega Family of millions on your arrival as much as you have made the blessed parents @AlwaysRamCharan& @upasanakonidelaand us grandparents, Happy and Proud!!"